Coming Soon
Here we will keep an updated list of new releases coming soon! Sometimes but not often, a shipment may not arrive in time for the official release date listed and we will try to update that.
All times are ET.
3/26@9am- Prototype Glow P4
3/27@9am- 10 Year Anniversary Berg & Kristin Latt Orbit Grace & Spladder Justice
3/27@8pm- Grackle
3/31@2pm- Trash Panda's Canyon (4,3,0,2)
4/1@Noon- Ohn Scoggins Proto Glow Halo Star Leopard3
4/3@9am- Kristin Latt Medium Moonshine Pure/K-1 Malm/K-1 Hard Malm
4/3@Noon- Henna Blomroos Proto Glow Halo Star Destroyer
4/7@9am- VIP Moonshine Orbit Northman
4/10@9am- Neo Lumen Origin & Opto Ice Splash Fuse
4/16@Midnight- MVP Champions Cup- 8 Limited Edition Discs & Rover Cart V2, plus more Brick N Mortar Variants IN store at open