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K-1 Glow Lots

K-1 Glow Lots


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ID#-Color/Weight/Dome Rating/Stiffness Rating (Avg=Average)

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The K1 Lots is a stable fairway driver. Right, left or leads the way through tricky and narrow passages to the basket. The Lots is a highly workable, straight flyer.

Lots in Swedish is a pilot that leads a ship through difficult waters and narrow passages, so that it will arrive safely to its harbor. You can count on the predictable flight pattern of the Lots to handle any fairway you might encounter. This multi-purpose disc is suitable for straight shots, hyzers and anhyzers.

Flight rating Speed 9, Glide 5, Turn -1, Fade 2

Weights listed are scale-weight on all individually listed discs and often do not match manufacturer marked weights.

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